Message from TK's diary assistant :
Yes, we could only find official photos (Taiwan's ID photo format for the new biometric passports I guess) and they are not very flattering. That woman is as beautiful as her son... So Madam, please send us some better photos to publish here !
By the way, your nail art is really cool. You look like a rock star !

I told her : "My dear Mum, you are too stup... er, you have a so nice nail varnish that it would be a shame to scratch it on a computer, so ask the neighbour's ugly brat, mmm, I meant that, the lovely Little Toto. He can do the computer stuff for you."
Then she called Toto.
So Little Toto, listen, it's very easy :
Step 1 : click here STK
Step 2 : you see this banner

And an ad, and under it's written : Welcome Guest ( Log In | Register )
Let's click on Register
Step 3 : Let's fill in the form
Please choose a Username Cixi
Please choose a Password takeshi
Please re-enter your password takeshi
Please enter your email address cixi@taipei.kom
Please re-enter your password cixi@taipei.kom
So you understand Toto ? the same... the same...
Step 4 : under it's written I agree and there is a square.
You click in the square. And you click on Submit my registration
Step 5 : Go back home or you will be late for dinner... Tomorrow, an e-mail will arrive at the address cixi@taipei.kom.
Step 6 : It is tomorrow, I open the e-mail and I click on the link... that's it ! I can read inside the forum and post messages... oh they are all so nice inside...
-So Toto, do you have a question ?
-Yes. Why do we have to do all that ?
-They want to be sure it is Mrs Cixi that is applying as a member. They don't want an old uncle like me to read and post bad taste jokes there...
-So it's like a private club for well mannered fans ?
-Exactly, Toto ! You're so smart ! If the little pigs don't eat you, you'll have a bright future. How old are you ?
-3 years old.
-But Mrs Cixi said you were 5...
-She confuses me with my sister Lala.
-So you're 3 and you understand... so it's easy...
Mum, when you want to know something about me, call Toto, he will browse STK to find the information !
And Toto was given a chocolate filled mooncake.
Another reason is a forum has a minimum of rules. It is moderated and stupid members that post false rumors as if they were true will be scolded and asked to stop. Unlike some blogs that can just invent stuff, like :
a nice blog, but they know nothing...
a really meanie one
one that dreams informations
other rumor collectors ?
You cannot be sure they say the truth...you can't even be sure that it is not true.
So go to check on STK
I really like you, but ask you local Little Toto to help you with the computer if you don't understand something... or post a "I need help comment".
PLEASE : don't take "Cixi" as your nickname, it's only for my Mum.
And don't use her e-mail adress, please don't. Get one for you.
Yes, you can use Takeshi as password. That's OK !